Marketing Team is at the core of driving exponential growth for any company - To provide the insights That Board and C-Suite needs , multitude bottom up metrics are amalgamated for seamless consumption by Marketing & Sales Leadership that is MUST for Company Success & EXPONENTIAL GROWTH
Program & Channel ROI : Various programs are done across all online & offline channels spanning geographies with very concrete success metrics to provide extremely personalized content to various audience segments providing high value to prospects & customers.
Innovative Marketing Organization – with optimal use of embedded, predictive & unified platform weed out the generic content & provide highly contextual & personalized information providing clear value to users.
We now LOVE to hear GREAT INFORMATION that your COMPANY provides us at every stage.
Social ROI: Marketing Team have started acquiring & nurturing look alike audiences and SKY is the LIMIT for SOCIAL SELLING with transformative strategies
Demand Funnel: Inquiry à MQL à SAL à SQL à Meeting à Opportunity à Quote à Deal à NPS with repeatable perfection for enhancing conversion rate & velocity MoM, QoQ, YoY across multiple conversion path
Attribution: Enhancing Marketing sourced Revenue through First Touch Attribution as well as Marketing Influenced Revenue through Multi Touch Attribution with various ingrained models of Time Decay, Equal Weight, Last Touch , Custom guides to choose right execution path real time
Machine Learning Models: Marketing in real times leverage Content , Business Unit, Campaign, ABM, Channel, Content Syndication Recommendation to provide quantitative value to not only the company as well as the Customers & Partners.
We all are moving into an exciting world with technological innovations happening in various fronts around Cloud, AI, ML, Blockchain, IoT, Mobile, Security, Prediction and MARKETING Leaders are at the for front to research, position, message, promote, support products & services - thereby providing value to prospects, customers, partners & everyone at every touchpoint in an extremely simplified way – To accomplish EXPONENTIAL GROWTH for any small, medium, large or extra large B2B/B2C companies
More exciting posts to come ::
Founder's Dilemma : Rockstar Engineer or Rockstar Marketer !!! Please stay tuned ...