How to stand out among trillions of pages in internet ? How to differentiate ourselves from others ? How to let users know about our company/product ? How to increase our brand value ? Many of these are answered through innovation & domain strategies linked cohesively
Innovation is happening across all industry segments around cloud, blockchain, iot, workflows, ai , ml day in and day out ANYPLACE to provide value to customers and message highly contextual information throughout the internet – ANYPLACE WHERE CUSTOMER IS OR GOES.
Creating & leveraging a UNIVERSAL PROFILE for a person/company/industry/location/device etc in an innovative and simplified way will drive exponential growth & success for a product or company.
Marketing working closely with Product/IT/Sales/Service/Finance/HR and other cross functional teams is thinking ahead paving the ground work to build the foundational vision/product/domain/success framework of the FUTURE
Everyone wants success in all the activities that they focus on , Machine Learning & AI are at the core of many innovations and applications , Workflows tie & simplify processes, Universal profile aggregates entities for contextual personalization etc
Here are some of the key innovative areas with the corresponding domains to provide rich information in various dimensions – search, display ads, email, social , videos, print , stores to present relevant information to attract, guide , assist , convert, advocate.
The Success Mantra is to put highly valuable product & thought leadership information under VISIONARY DOMAINS.
CUSTOMER FOCUSSED PRODUCT & DOMAINS will help increase the relevancy of information shared across billions of pages in internet & HELP IN DIFFERENTIATING & INCREASE AUTHENTICITY & TRUST IN ORGANIZATION
More in next post !!!